The Sunday Post #3

Hello everyone! Happy Sunday!

Due to my disappointing lack of time right now, I’ve decided to only do the Sunday Post every two weeks because otherwise my entire blog would just be the Sunday Post, haha!

I’ve definitely not been as active as I’d like to be on here but I just haven’t had enough time to work on posts recently. I’m usually working on posts everyday but this week I really only had a chance to post two, both of which I had spent a good week on already beforehand so I feel a little bit like I’ve been neglecting my blog and you guys. Thankfully, I think I’m back for a while and hope to not have to leave again too soon.

I’ve finished reading A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab and I’ve completed my review so expect to see that going up sometime this week. I really enjoyed ADSOM and I’m quite happy with my review and hope to get some feedback from you guys!

I’ve started reading Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine and so far I’m really enjoying it! I personally don’t come across a lot of books about bibliophiles but I keep having little moments of ‘oh my god, you do that too?’ followed by a little happy dance from the shoulders up.

I’d love to fit another book into my schedule after Ink and Bone but my midterms are coming up and I sadly don’t have as much time as I’d like to have to dedicate to reading. Wow, I think I should just title this post ‘How Do I Blog When I Have No Time to Blog’ instead of The Sunday Post #3! Actually, that’s not a bad idea. Potential blog post idea achieved.

I am now fully caught up on Shadowhunters and of course it’s not as good as the books but it’s got a lot of little anecdotes in it from both the Mortal Instruments and the Infernal Devices and I just love it. The most recent episode (#7, season 2) was just so much better than the rest so far. The characters were the closest they’ve ever been to the books and I’m so happy. Also, I just want to rave for a little bit about Malec because the relationship between Magnus and Alec is so much better represented and relaxed in the TV show than it was in the books. The looks they share and how they communicate is just so much better. The actors have great chemistry within their characters, more so than said characters had in the books.

I’m also binge watching The Great Indoors in an attempt not to drown under the countless papers I have yet to finish, the exams I have yet to study for and the numerous events that still need to be planned and attended. So life’s pretty relaxed right now, I’d say.

I read a few thought provoking posts this week which you can find here:
Puput @ Sparkling Letters– positive portrayals of girls and friendships between them in books

Going Through Books– are we allowed to enjoy problematic books

Kourtni Reads– reading reviews with differing views from your own

That’s all for this week but I’ll be back in two weeks time when I’ll be struggling through midterms so expect to see tears and anxiety.

Quote of the Week (in honor of finishing ADSOM):

โ€œI’d rather die on an adventure than live standing still.โ€
– V.E. Schwab, A Darker Shade of Magic

Created by the caffeinatedbookreviewer, The Sunday Post is a weekly meme to catch up and chat about the previous and upcoming week.

7 thoughts on “The Sunday Post #3

  1. I feel your pain! I’m having a hard time fitting blogging AND reading into my schedule now that schoolwork is piling up. I’ve been able to keep up with blogging pretty well, but I feel like I’ve barely been reading anything!
    Thanks so much for linking to my post! ๐Ÿ™‚

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  2. Oohhh I’m so glad you loved ADSOM because it’s one of my most favorite fantasy books to date!! Are you gonna read AGOS right after? I’m planning a reread of both books before I read the final book haha and I feel you on neglecting the blog! I usually draft and schedule posts in advance but lately I’ve been having a hard time keeping up with everything ๐Ÿ˜ฆ anyway, thank you for linking back to my post โค

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