Unique Blogger Award

Big thank you to Jeannie for nominating me! I love her blog and she’s always highlighting favorite books of mine as well as recommending a bunch of new ones that always sound great so definitely go check her out!


  • Share the link of the blogger who has shown love to you by nominating you.
  • Answer the questions.
  • In the spirit of sharing love and solidarity with our blogging family, nominate 8-13 people for the same award.
  • Ask them three questions.

Jeannie’s Questions

If you could have any animal or mythical creature from a book as a pet, which would you pick?

I’m currently reading Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake and one character has a bob cat for a familiar and I’m tempted to go with that. I struggle to choose an animal because I definitely want to go with a wild one but then I feel guilty about not letting them be free, blah blah blah, even though this is a hypothetical question. I’m going to stick with Camden the bob cat, though. He’s cool.

Who is one of your least favorite characters of all time?

Gale from the Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins, hands down. Just thinking about him irks me. He’s just so similar to a lot of guys I knew in high school and I really don’t like how he deals with the realities of the Hunger Games (when he isn’t even a part of them). Everything he did and said just really irritated me and I give Katniss serious props for dealing with him for so long. I know they were best friends but STILL.

Name a supporting character that you love more than the main protagonist.

Even though I loved Kell in A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab, I have to say that I loved Lila just a little bit more. She was just so much fun to read about and get to know. I’m a sucker for strong and sarcastic female characters so liking her was practically second nature for me. I’ve got AGOS coming in the mail and I am SO ready to continue on this journey.


My Questions

  1. What’s your favorite retelling of a story/folktale? This can be in the form of a book or movie.
  2. Are there any characters that you think deserved a better ending than they got?
  3. If you could be any book character for a day, who would it be and why?

My Nominees

Laura @ The Book Corps

Tiana @ The Book Raven

The Green Onion Blog

Shouni @ Through the Book Portal

Krysti @ YA and Wine

Flavia the Bibliophile

14 thoughts on “Unique Blogger Award

  1. So many times those strong female characters can come off like such an archetype where it feels like the character is trying way too hard to be badass. But Lila is written so well that the things that make her strong and badass feel unique and genuine. Loooove her character.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for the nomination!! I’m really bad at keeping up with tags though so I’m warning you right now. 😀 I love your questions!

    I’m not a big fan of Gale either, I don’t understand the hype behind him. I have yet to read A Darker Shade of Magic which is a shame because I hear about it everywhere.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m with you on the Gale answer!
    I know lots of people wanted Katniss to end up with him, but I never really took to him at all, and his role in Mockingjay confirmed my dislike for him.

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